Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Gypsy is HERE!!!

The long wait, and the LONG update is finally over!  My Gypsy made it here safely, is finally all updated, has all the cartridges linked to her and has her fancy new "skin" on!  I'm so excited. I waited forever and went back and forth on my decision to get one, to the point where I am sure I drove Meg NUTS!!! 

I'm not joking when I tell you it took forever to update this baby! I started right away when I got it Saturday afternoon- around 1pm. I thought the updates were finished around 5:30pm but when I went to link my cartridges, there were 5 that wouldn't link and I kept bring told to go the website for instructions on how to update it.

So I hooked it back up, let it chill with the laptop all night and this morning it was STILL not taking the update. So I tried one more time- hooked her back up on the little computer so Stan could use the big one,  and went and ran some errands. Much to my delight when I got home she appeared to be all set and I was easily able to link my last 5 cartridges to her at 10:30 this morning- 21 HOURS LATER!

And since then, I have designed and saved 4 projects on her!  So happy ~ and I LOVE the welding feature.

And a shout out to everyone who has posted How To Videos on their blogs and on You Tube. You have made learning how to use the Gypsy so much easier! Thanks!!!!

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